Monday, January 26, 2009


I came across a cool idea for flooring this evening.

It might look like expensive hardwood with handcarved details, but it's actually flooring made out of recycled leather belts.

Artist Inghua Ting founded TING London in 2000, and all her products are refurbished and recycled. I think it's a super creative way of reusing something old and making it into a really unique, beautiful part of your home.

Tiles run at about $75 a square foot and are even held together with environmentally friendly water based glue.

I also came across a super cool company called Pedini, based out of Italy, that designs round kitchens.

As a graphic designer, one of the clients I work for the most is a cabinet company, so I'd consider myself to be pretty familiar with cabinets, but I've never seen anything like this other than the Jetsons. I love the curve at the end, it's a great use of space, which staying original and out of the typical modular fashion of kitchens.

And while I love the j-shaped kitchen, this c-kitchen is just a little too round for my taste. Unless you have a huge kitchen space to work with, it's a bit of an impractical use of the space. I do think it's really cool and innovative though, makes me think of something I would have seen on futuristic shows as a child.

1 comment:

  1. I love the leather belt unique!
