Friday, July 24, 2009

Vintage Finds

I'm always on the lookout for neat furniture or knick knacks to make into my own special project.

I've recently come across a few that I'm really excited for!

I found this piece at a thrift store for $3.99! I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with it yet... I'll probably leave the wood as is and make it into a bulletin board, or perhaps into a little wall shelf for knick knacks.

I recently moved the purple chair from my computer into the living room, and needed to get a new computer chair. I found this awesome chair at an antique store just north of Winnipeg in East St. Paul. I don't remember the name of the store, but the entire second floor of the creepy building was antique furniture - dozens and dozens of chairs for cheap, old dressers, old trunks. So cool! And way cheaper than anywhere I've found.

My favorite part of this chair is it's round arms. So gorgeous! I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing with this chair yet. I really love the wood, even though it's a bit dinged and dented, but that adds to the charm, right? The fabric has a few stains and isn't in the best of condition, so I'm thinking I'll probably end up recovering it.

I'm eyeing this pretty fabric by Joel Dewberry for recovering it. I love the deer and birds!

At the same antique store, they also had three crates full of old letterpress blocks for a dollar each! So cool! As a graphic designer, I'm always on the lookout for old tools of the trade.

They didn't have any which were solely letters, only pictures and text, which was cool as well, though I'm mainly into the typographic blocks.

Nevertheless, I did pick up several blocks and am that much closer to being able to make my own letterpress block wall like this one from JHID.

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